
Fairest Fair Must Fall

Standing Against An Editor-in-Chief Who Does Not Embody Our Values


Ingrid asked the design team to Photoshop out a land acknowledgement in this photo because it was “too distracting.” She claims to care about diversity and inclusion, but obviously just cares about selling magazines. You can tell from her comments on this article that she has made no effort to understand indigenous culture and art. An editor-in-chief needs to know how to sensitively navigate a diverse group of readers AND WORKERS! 

- contributing writer

I’m constantly being asked to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. Our print and layout department is always “understaffed” but the reality is, Ingrid just doesn’t want to hire more people and pay them. I missed my mother’s birthday, postponed my honeymoon, and even canceled a surgery just to make Ingrid happy,

and keep this job. Finally, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. There’s no such thing as a healthy workplace here. Ingrid only cares about herself and her success.  - T.K, Former Print & Publication 

LOL. I have a similar story T.K. I got fired last year because I took time off for my wedding. I booked my vacation time (10 days) 6 months ahead of time. Two weeks before my wedding, Ingrid told me I had to cancel my vacation plans because she needed me to focus on writing a feature editorial. When I explained to her that this has been booked months in advance, and that it’s my wedding week, she said: well, have fun paying for your honeymoon without a job. - R.P, Former Style Editor 

“Anyone who signs that document will be fired” -Hunter (A plan to retaliate?)

I heard that INgrid is an elder in the cabal of the Elders of Zion. We should send in the Inquisitor

Ingrid asked me to pitch the Blood Bath idea and then I found out that she is involved in this "The Dark Virality of a Hollywood Blood-Harvesting Conspiracy". I have pretty good evidence she is involved in some really illegal and evil doings.

Do you know why we are working in a virtual office? Because Ingrid doesn’t believe Covid is real, and demands we come into work even when we are sick. We’ve had outbreaks in our office multiple times. And she just doesn’t care. - Finance staffer 

Take Action

We demand that the board of directors of Fairest Fair live up to the publication’s stated values

Justice: We demand that the board of directors of Fairest Fair remove Ingrid Regina as Editor-in-chief and investigate the harm she has caused to the finances and reputation of the publication as well as her extensive negative impacts on the staff.

Accountability: We propose that the board of directors require the E-i-C to undergo an annual 360 degree review with input from all levels of the organization in order to improve accountability.

A new leadership structure: We propose a horizontal structure in which lead editors from each of the three departments practice consensus-based leadership.

A union: We propose that Fairest Fair voluntarily recognize a staff union as a unit of the New York Newsguild. Union membership would give employees protection against the abuses outlined in this document as well as provide leverage to ensure that pay and benefits are more equitably distributed.

Compensation: We demand a living wage and fair compensation for all employees. We renounce all interns and other forms of unpaid or exploitative labor. 

Holistic Healthcare: As a lifestyle magazine, we demand benefits that cover our healthcare and wellness, the very things we preach about in the pages of this periodical. 

We call upon the board of directors of Fairest Fair to take action regarding the above complaints now!

Signed By:

Current and former staff of Fairest Fair

Stuart Buchanan

Adriana Caselotti

Rachel Zegler 

Aleysha Minns 


Ayden, Wellness dept

Princess Sushi 

Emily Gill

Jalex Morrison


Jon Cole, Wellness Associate Editor

Cael, Wellness

Sahar, Wellness Editor 

Aaron xOxO style section

Brice, Culture Editor

Umer Khan, Style Editor

Amani, Culture Editor

Everly, Office Manager